Sunday, January 26, 2014

"We're Sorry..."

We're sorry to have to point you to Dana Milbank's column in today's once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle, 'cause there's a lot of sorry people over there:
 Chris Christie is terribly sorry that his staff lied to him about things they did without his knowledge, and he feels remorse that the partisan media are targeting him with a witch hunt. 
Bob McDonnell is really sorry that an overzealous federal prosecutor is going after him for doing perfectly legal things. 
And Glenn Beck feels just awful that people were so “fragile” that they allowed his rhetoric to tear the country apart. 
Wouldn't it be refreshing if male right-wingers, classic over-compensators when it comes to defining masculinity, learned to take responsibility -- and the consequences -- for their actions?  We're so sorry they won't.

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