Sunday, January 26, 2014

Republicans Meet, Remain Clueless

The reviews of the recently-completed winter meeting of the Republican National Committee are in, and they're not pretty:
A quick look at the media coverage confirms the party is still struggling: 
Politico: "After the 2012 election, establishment Republicans promised things would be different next time. They'd stop turning off women. They'd tamp down on rogue outside groups. And they'd get the tea party movement in line. But now that 2014 is here, those goals seem as elusive as ever and even insiders admit the party's got a long way to go — if it really wants to change." 
Reuters: "At the Republican National Committee's winter meeting this week in Washington, it was clear the panic that hit the party after the 2012 elections has subsided, although polls indicate that efforts to make the party more attractive to single women, minorities and gays, groups that favor Democrats by big numbers, have not made any headway." 
Associated Press: "Yet, awkward comments about contraception and women's reproductive systems and chatter over Michigan committeeman Dave Agema's derogatory comments about gays and Muslims obscured the party's attempt to feature its efforts at last week's meeting."
Let's not forget (and we won't) to add in the remarks at the meeting by potential Republican presidential candidate and gyno-fetishist, former Arkansas Gov. Mike "Huckleberry" Huckabee (R-Genitalia). Many electrons are still being used up across the internetz and on op/ed pages on Preacher Huckleberry's choice of language and, more to the point, how the "thinking" behind that language is in the DNA of the Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid Party.  With DNA as strong as that, we (again) despair of the rebranding.

BONUS:  Meanwhile, let's see how well misogynist Republican attacks on Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis will go over.  This collection is particularly offensive.

BONUS II:   For the "Are you shitting me?" file, the Arizona Republican Party has censured Sen. John "Grampypants" McCain for... not being conservative enough.  These crackpots love to eat their own, don't they?  Maybe we should pass them some forks and knives.

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