Sunday, March 9, 2014

It's Why We Call Them Rethugs, Part Infinity

It's been a long time since we took notice of some deranged, vile statement uttered by Adam's apple-sporting bigot (M)Ann Coulter, because that would be a daily chore.  But this statement at the CPAC nut fest on immigration reform bears noting:
“Amnesty is forever and you got to vote for the Republicans one more time and just make it clear; but if you pass amnesty, that’s it, it’s over and then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America.” (our emphasis)
This is the essence of (M)Ann Coulter's -- and the right wing's -- philosophy toward not just minorities, but toward American democracy:  if we don't get our way, we'll resort to violence to achieve our ends.  Ever since the election of our first black President, this has become an escalating problem on the far right, whether it's militias, elected officials talking about "secession," and individual mental cases threatening the President (hey there, Crap Pants Fever Nugent).  Repeated losses at the polls and the vast majority of Americans rejecting their hate agenda will keep it controlled, if not eliminated.

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