Monday, March 10, 2014

CPAC Summed Up In One Paragraph

Charles P. Pierce's reaction to snowbilly grifter Sarah "Winky" Palin's word salad remarks to the assembled mouth-breathers at the recently-concluded CPAC gathering (wherein she read a take-off on Dr. Seuss' "Green Eggs and Ham") could well serve as a summary of the entire nutfest:
A friend bailed on the [Palin] speech, making the very plausible case that Palin is simply another political celebrity freakshow, like Donald Trump. I can see the point there but, with Palin, and watching the hysterical reception her puerile screed received, there is something more serious going on. She is the living representation of the infantilization of American politics, a poisonous Grimm Sister telling toxic fairy tales to audiences drunk on fear, and hate and nonsense. She respects no standards but her own. She is in perpetual tantrum, railing against her betters, which is practically everyone, and volunteering for the job of avatar to the country's reckless vandal of a political Id. It was the address of a malignant child delivered to an audience of malignant children. If you applauded, you're an idiot and I feel sorry for you. (our emphasis)
Another useful way to put it all in a (pun intended) nut shell:  for the second year in a row, Sen. Rand "Aqua Buddha" Paul (Illibertarian-KY) won the CPAC straw poll, with Sen. "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz (Crackpot-Canada TX) finishing second.

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