Tuesday, April 1, 2014

7 Million and Counting

As we noted earlier, there are now a confirmed 7-million-plus enrollees in Obamacare, and the numbers are rising as people who had started the application process in the HealthCare.gov system by the deadline are taking advantage of extended enrollment time.  Far from what the Republicans have been calling a "train wreck," Obamacare has overcome a near-disastrous kick-off and is beginning to function the way it was intended.   Most importantly, people who were one operation or diagnosis away from bankruptcy can now get affordable health insurance.  Seven million people (and counting) will have a little more peace of mind, and better health care, thanks to this "train wreck" the Republicans have been so desperate to stop.  Once this nascent success story has a chance to mature and sink in, enrollment during the next open period in November will be something to watch.  Repeal that, suckers! (And, yes, we know the fight is never over.)

Meanwhile, Michael Hiltzik at the L.A. Times has a guide to Republican excuse-making that's worth a read (and a little schadenfreude, too).

BONUS:  Inside and outside the right-wing reality bubble.

Sen. Mitch "Missy" McConnell (Endangered Turtle - KY) bubble world:
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said that “millions of Americans [are] facing higher premiums, canceled plans and the loss of doctors and hospitals they liked as a result of this law.” Once again, he called for it to be scrapped.
Real world:
Obamacare has cut Kentucky's uninsured population by more than 40 percent, signing up roughly 360,000 residents since enrollment opened up on Oct. 1, according to the Louisville Courier-Journal. 
Some 75 percent of them -- 270,000 -- were previously uninsured. That means Kentucky's uninsured population of 640,000 has come down by 42 percent. 


  1. Dean Chambers of Unskewed Polls fame claims the ACA sign-ups are lies, "This magic seven million Obamacare signups is no different than anything else reported by the Regime. Completely fraudulent, fake, and phony."

    Conservatives are going down the drain and won't be satisifed until they drown the rest of us with them.

  2. He certainly would know "fraudulent, fake, and phony," wouldn't he?
