Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The April (And Always) Fool

Since it's April Fool's Day, we were glad to see one of the world's biggest fools in the news today:  the unhinged hatemeister Glenn "Dreck" Beck.  Dreck is being sued in U.S. District Court in Massachusetts for defamation of character for defaming a Saudi Arabian student, Abdulrahman Alharbi, in connection with last spring's Boston Marathon bombing.   Dreck, who hasn't met a Muslim he doesn't hate, started identifying Alharbi (who was wounded in the bombing, incidentally) as the "third" conspirator and a "money man" for the Tsarnaev brothers, who were the sole perpetrators.  Long after that fact was established, paranoid conspiracy merchant Dreck continued to push Alharbi as a suspect, with absolutely no supporting evidence.

Here's hoping that Mr. Alharbi gets a very, very hefty settlement from the suit.  While it won't stop a nut job like Dreck from spinning his paranoid tales, it'll take some of the jingle out of his pockets.

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