Monday, April 21, 2014

Cardinal Dolan - The Face Of What's Still Wrong With The Catholic Church

The moral midget who protected pedophile priests and hid money intended for victims of that sexual abuse while Archbishop of Milwaukee, New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan, was asked about the pending Supreme Court Hobby Lobby case on "Face the Nation" Sunday.  Dolan, known as the Republican Party's Cardinal, offered his support to the plaintiffs and then pulled this straight out of his ample ass:
“Is the ability to buy contraceptives, that are now widely available — my Lord, all you have to do is walk into a 7-11 or any shop on any street in America and have access to them — is that right to access those and have them paid for, is that such a towering good that it would suffocate the rights of conscience?”  (our emphasis)
A Sem'n'Elemen? Jeez, those contraceptives must've been hiding behind the Slim Jims.  We'll have to look more closely next time.  But, if they're out, we're sure "any shop on any street" will have them.

As for "the right of conscience," this hack has no moral authority to talk about "conscience" in the first place.  What gall.

What does it take to get someone like this overfed huckster "retired" to the Old Reprobates Home?

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