Monday, April 21, 2014

What Seems To Be The Problem?

News item:  NBC hired a psychologist to interview Press the Meat host and Karl Rove's dancing partner David "Dancin' Dave" Gregory's friends and family.  NBC is alarmed about the slide in the iconic Sunday program's ratings from first to third, and may be concerned that the pressure is getting to Dancin' Dave.  A year ago, Dancin' Dave made news for his unneighborly outburst at people parking in his wealthy neighborhood in northwest DC who were there to view an award-winning home.  Short fuse, sense of entitlement, sociopathic behavior.   Hmmm, maybe NBC needs to reassign Dancin' Dave to a less stressful job, say, covering the Westminster Dog Show, and save money on the shrinks.

BONUS:  Meanwhile, NBC could have saved whatever coin it paid for the shrinkage if it had asked the advice of Kaili Joy Gray over at Wonkette.  Here's a small , but pithy, sample, of her psychoanalysis wisdom:
NBC could explore the widespread rumor that Gregory is Awful Terrible The Worst at allowing his guests, especially — totally coincidentally, we are sure — his conservative guests to spew whatever stupid they want without actually challenging them on their “facts” or demonstrating even a kindergarten level of knowledge about, well, gosh, anything.

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