Tuesday, June 3, 2014

"#Bergdahl! #Bergghazi! #Bengdahl!"

Utterly terrified of Hillary Clinton's presumed candidacy in 2016 (and potentially eight more years of a Democratic Presidency), the Rethuglican / Stupid Party is doing its deceitful best to tie her to every conceivable problem / "controversy" / blunder of the last, oh say, 100 years.  The Benghazi! Benghazi! BENGHAZI!! circus has been the most prominent of late, but now the Rethuglican spin cycle is trying to connect former Secretary Clinton with the recent negotiated release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.  Since Clinton met privately with President Obama a few days before Bergdahl's release, the wingnuts are certain she must have given the President advice, right?  Let's see how they turn this nothingburger into a media frenzy, shall we?  Let's also hope that she decides to run, and thoroughly kicks their desperate backsides.

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