Thursday, June 5, 2014

Portrait Of A Scumbag

Fairfax County, VA police have arrested Andrew "I'm My Own" Truelove and charged him with possession of stolen property for taking posters from parks in Connecticut and New Jersey that celebrated two of the children slain in the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre.  The lowlife "Sandy Hook truther" also called the parents of two of the victims and told them the massacre was made up and that their children never existed, and posted pictures of himself holding up his middle finger in front of the posters.  Sandy Hook "truthers" maintain that the massacre was staged to provide an excuse for the Government to impose new gun control measures.

He will also face additional charges in New Jersey and Connecticut related to the thefts, and was in jail in Virginia for parole violation.  The monster also has a criminal record including a conviction for the abduction of an 8 year-old girl from a schoolyard several years ago.  In other words, he would make the perfect poster boy for people who should be denied access to firearms, but right now, just reading about this scumbag makes us want to vomit.

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