Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thursday's Tacky Twofer: The Scott Walker - Chris Christie Ticket

Prosecutors are still hot on the trail of two Republican governors who harbor national aspirations.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott "Beam Me Up Scotty" Walker:
Newly released documents show prosecutors are alleging Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was at the center of a nationwide "criminal scheme" to illegally coordinate with outside conservative groups. 
The documents were filed as part of an ongoing lawsuit challenging the probe by the conservative group Wisconsin Club for Growth. They were ordered publicly released Thursday by a federal appeals court judge after prosecutors and the Wisconsin Club for Growth did not object. 
One of the filings from prosecutors outlines previously unknown details about the investigation that began in 2012 as Walker was facing a recall election. 
Prosecutors say Walker, his chief of staff and others who worked for him were discussing illegal coordination with a number of national groups and prominent figures, including GOP strategist Karl Rove.  (our emphasis)
That's not aged Wisconsin brick cheese you're smelling, folks! (hat tip to P.E.C.)

New Jersey Gov. Chris "Krispycreme" Christie:
... Paul Fishman, the U.S. Attorney for New Jersey, wades through the sewage of Christie’s stewardship. Two sources with intimate knowledge of the case say Fishman’s pace is quickening -- he has empaneled a second grand jury, and the U.S. Justice Department has sent assistant prosecutors and FBI agents to work the case.   
“What’s taking the most time,” according to one source, “is separating what's viable from all the bad stuff they’re finding that may not be viable.” 
Fishman’s challenge is to nail down specific criminal charges on several fronts -- the diversion of Port Authority money to fund New Jersey road and bridge projects; the four-day rush-hour closures of George Washington Bridge lanes in Ft. Lee; and a web of real-estate deals spun by David Samson, long a Christie crony, when he chaired the PA’s Board of Commissioners as Christie’s appointee. (One such deal, a stalled office-tower development in Hoboken, New Jersey, is central to a claim that Christie’s lieutenant governor told the town’s mayor that the state would withhold Hurricane Sandy relief aid from Hoboken if the mayor didn’t sign off on the development project.)  [snip] 
... Christie’s Port appointees -- not only Samson, but former PA Deputy Executive Director Bill Baroni and his oddball sidekick David Wildstein -- all face near-certain indictment and are being pressed to hand up Christie, as is the governor’s former chief counsel, Charlie McKenna.  (our emphasis)
There's a lot of air still coming out of that large balloon, folks!

The list of potential Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid party howling monkeys candidates for the 2016 presidential election would be culled by two if prosecutions of Walker and Christie go forward, regardless of the outcome of those prosecutions.  That should warm the hearts of anyone with a heart.

(Image:  The Tacky Ticket!)

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