Thursday, July 3, 2014

Assault Victim Blasts Ill Will

Last month, right-wing pontificator and man with a well-used thesaurus George "Ill" Will wrote a very nasty column in which he claimed that campus sexual assault victims have a "coveted status" as a result of their trauma.  The blowback at Ill was swift and harsh:  one distinguished newspaper, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, cancelled the hack's column.

Now, the woman that Ill wrote about in his infamous column has come forward to blast the smug wordsmith  for his misogyny.  Lisa Sendrow has appeared in several venues, among them CNN and CBS, to voice her outrage at Ill's characterization of sexual assault victims as using the attacks to claim special "victimhood."

What is also outrageous is Ill's employer, the formerly great Washington Post Bezos Bugle, which is cynically standing by this nasty man saying that "opinion pieces are supposed to inspire debate."  Smearing sexual assault victims is supposed to "inspire debate?"  What a decline we've seen in that paper's integrity.

(photo:  Ill Will lurking conducting research on campus assaults social life.)

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