Thursday, July 10, 2014

Mess On The Border

The Obama Administration is trying to discourage further influxes of women and children from making the dangerous trip from Central America into the U.S., causing a humanitarian crisis on our borders.  Ads are running in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras urging people not to attempt the dangerous and probably futile trip.  For the most part, they're escaping dangerous situations in their countries, and are being exploited by human trafficker cartels.

The President is proposing a $3.7 billion package of humanitarian aid and increased border security, along with expedited processing for those seeking residence for humanitarian reasons.  He's getting pressure from the right, which has cynically refused any cooperation on immigration reform, to turn the immigrants back without due process.  He's also getting pressure from others who want a show of concern and compassion with a Presidential visit to the border camps.  What he doesn't need is pressure from a ConservaDem like Rep. Henry Cuellar (Fake D-TX), who has referred to the situation as "Obama's Katrina moment," to visit the area (no doubt with Cuellar sharing the spotlight).  Cuellar, a favorite of the right-wing Club for Growth, votes 60% of the time with Rethugs,  and was an early supporter of Dumbya's 2000 Presidential run, can't be trusted for advice to the President.

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