Friday, July 11, 2014

More Rethug Mischief in Florida

Any Rethuglican / New Confederate Party path to electoral victory in the years ahead can't be based on their increasingly radical ideas or the changing demographic.  Instead of the electorate choosing them, they want to choose the electorate.  They're doing it in different ways:  rigging voting laws to suppress turnout unfavorable to them -- including eliminating early voting and reducing the number of polling stations -- and redrawing Congressional districts to maximize their electability are just two of the most obvious.  Added to that is an open sewer of unaccounted for money from oligarchs that want Government to serve them.

In Florida, a State circuit court judge has put a halt to one attempt to redraw Congressional districts to tilt the playing field in favor of the Rethuglicans.   The Rethuglican-controlled Florida state legislature redrew the 5th and 10th Congressional districts in 2012, a move that Judge Terry Lewis said "made a mockery" of legislation designed to ensure fair redistricting, and blasted Rethug operatives for their roles:
“'Republican political consultants or operatives did, in fact, conspire to manipulate and influence the redistricting process,' the judge wrote. At another point, he quoted George Washington, who warned of 'cunning, ambitious and unprincipled men.'” (New York Times)
They know they can't win elections on their toxic brew of bigotry and Social Darwinism, so they'll resort to every deception, trick and intimidation to compensate.  "Cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men" fits them perfectly.

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