Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Robin Williams Already Had A Retort For Limbaugh

Pig man, Dominican sex traveler and Viagra enthusiast Oxycontin Rush Limbaugh yesterday on the recent death of Robin Williams:
“Robin Williams felt guilty that he was still alive while his three friends had died young, and much earlier than he had,” the conservative talker explained. “He could never get over the guilt that they died and he didn’t.
Well, that is a constant measurement that is made by political leftists in judging the country.”  (our emphasis)
Here's Robin Williams on the "Tonight Show" in 2006 when asked by Jay Leno to comment on Limbaugh's return from sex-trade mecca the Dominican Republic with a pig trough full of Viagra:
“First of all, it seems a little redundant for him to take Viagra... I mean, why do you need Viagra? It’s a hard thing when he’s a big prick already."
Robin Williams will be remembered and loved as a comic genius who brought laughter and joy into the lives of millions.  Limbaugh has always been and will always be a big prick.  Williams is redeemed by his works;  Limbaugh will be damned by his.  It's good to be reminded of that from time to time.

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