Tuesday, September 30, 2014

ALEC Loses Another Sponsor

As we noted in our post below, Koch Industries is one of the nation's largest polluters and they put the profits they make off of that pollution to work for them.  Not only do they provide direct funding to right-wing candidates and far right advocacy groups like Americans for Prosperity, they also support the wingnut law-generating organization ALEC, short for American Legislative Exchange Council, which sponsors lying climate change deniers and fights against renewable energy (ALEC is also behind many voter suppression laws being passed in Republican-controlled State legislatures, among other dirty deeds).

Recently, with heightened awareness of climate change, major corporate sponsors of ALEC have seen the light through the pollution and have dropped their financial support to ALEC.  Now, Occidental Petroleum, ranked #4 among U.S. oil and gas corporations, has decided to bow to pressure and abandon ALEC and their pro-pollution campaign.   It doesn't mean ALEC is going away, thanks to major financial support from the Kochs and their ilk, but it does mean a light is being shined on ALEC's agenda as each sponsor is called out to defend their support.

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