Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Colbert Addresses GOP's Women Problem
Last night, Stephen Colbert tackled the Republican / New Confederate / Stupid Party's problem with women voters, who (according to their own poll) find the party "stuck in the past" and "intolerant". Colbert shows an interview where Rethug Party Chairman and weasel / human hybrid Reince "Prepuce" Priebus is asked why they have such a problem, and Prepuce proceeds to obfuscate and avoid the question. That'll show them wimmen! But Colbert saves his best shot for bumbling carpetbagger Scott "Centerfold" Brown ("understudy in the Mitt Romney musical"), who's been giving a silly "Women for Scott Brown Hero Award" to women, always delivered with some right-wing message about burdensome regulations, etc. Sadly for Centerfold, he can't always seem to get the awardees' names straight. Hilarity ensues.