Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Motivational Speaker

The report that former (Vice) President and classified information-leaking felon Dick "The Dick" Cheney will be giving the House Republican caucus a "pep talk" today reminds us of just how little the Rethuglican Party has learned over the past dozen years.  We can visualize his snarling, pompous "pep talk" now, full of delusion, arrogance and cluelessness.  There will certainly be the familiar lies about the "success" that his administration had in Iraq, if only President Obama had added another (fill in the blank) thousand troops.  He'll dishonestly point to lack of "leadership" and "strength" by the President on the world stage, when much of this President's woes were the result of the Bush Administration's incompetence, dishonesty, and belligerence abroad that ended up alienating many of our international friends and costing the lives of many thousands.  Let's not forget The Dick's fealty to multi-national corporations, which financed his career in and out of Government.

So, if the House Rethugs are foolish enough to listen to a clown whose approval rating is around 13% -- and we know they are -- we say knock yourselves out, and if he invites you to go quail hunting, by all means accept.

(image: "Be vewy, vewy scared, wabbit!"  And Wepublicans!)

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