Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Stupid Party, Part Infinity

When Congressional Rethugs led by Texas wingnut Sen. Ted "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz engineered a brief shutdown of the Federal Government last year over "Obamacare," everyone agreed that it was a boneheaded move which was widely unpopular.  Well, they're not referred to as "The Stupid Party" for nothing:  underachieving Florida wingnut -- and someone clearly coveting the top spot on the Stupid Party ticket in 2016 -- Sen. Marco "Glug Glug" Rubio is the leader of a group of 14 Rethug Senators on a suicide mission who are putting pressure on Weeper of the House John "Mr. Tangerine Man" Boehner to block appropriations for a piece of the Affordable Care Act that provides a temporary balancing mechanism for insurance premiums so that premiums don't surge.  Such an action would have to be part of a Continuing Resolution to fund the Government in the "lame duck session" between the November elections and January, when the new Congress convenes.  It would also be unacceptable to the White House, as they well know, and could force another temporary shutdown after the November mid-terms.  As one comedian is fond of saying, "You can't fix stupid."

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