Sunday, November 30, 2014

Putting The "Ass" In Class

Apparently not knowing or caring where the line is separating a political hatchet job from a personal one, Rethuglican House staffer Elizabeth "The Ass in Class" Lauten attacked President Obama's daughters's appearance at the annual "turkey pardon" farce in an unusually nasty way on her Facebook page:

"Showing a little class" is something Lauten needs to practice….intensively.  Here are two teenage girls, participating in a farcical ceremony to pardon a turkey for Thanksgiving, and they're supposed to dress up in evening wear and white gloves, not roll their eyes once and act like…..teenagers?  And the snark about not dressing for "a spot at a bar?"  They're only 13 and 16 years old, beotch.  Maybe the likes of Elizabeth "The Ass In Class" Lauten can restrain their venom against the President's family for the next two years, but then again Rethuglican operatives like her lack the class to do that.

UPDATE:  She gone.  We still despair of the rebranding.

UPDATE II:  Looks like The Ass In Class was arrested as a teen.  Karma's a b*tch.


  1. And the Bush girls actually did want a place at the bar... short memories...

  2. The hypocrisy of Republican political types knows no boundaries. Thanks, P.E.C.
