Friday, December 5, 2014

Capitalism For You, Socialism For Me

We've all heard the right-wing, Ayn Randian rhetoric about "makers and takers" in our society:  those progressive takers robbing the conservative makers.  But when one looks at the States that use a greater proportion of their taxes to support social services, welfare, public infrastructure, etc., SURPRISE!  It's so-called "red states."  And this doesn't include Federal payouts, which favor red states far more than blue states.

So who are the top five moocher-friendly Rethuglican bastions?  In ascending order, Arkansas, Mississippi, ("The Dick" Cheney's) Wyoming, (Winky Palin's) Alaska, and West by God Virginia, red states all.  Each State voted overwhelmingly for plutocrat word-scrambler Willard "Mittens" Romney in 2012, who privately denounced the "47%" who live off  Gummint goodies.  Talk about voting against your interests.

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