Thursday, December 18, 2014

The North Korean Censors

The recent cyber hacking assault on Sony Pictures resulted in some red-faced executives whose e-mails were leaked, and some serious invasions of privacy involving personal information and scripts to upcoming films.  The hacking was in retaliation for Sony's film "The Interview," which centers around farcical attempts to assassinate North Korean boy dictator Kim Jong-Un, while it relentlessly mocks him and his dysfunctional tyranny.  Intelligence officials are pointing to the North Korean regime as responsible for the sophisticated cyber assault.

The situation became more serious when threats were made that movie theaters showing "The Interview" would face 9-11 style attacks.  That was enough for the five major theater chains to announce that they would not be showing the movie, which forced Sony to pull the film.  Sony's move has prompted accusations of "cowardice" and submission to blackmail.  How the U.S. will respond to this cyber attack (and terrorist threat) remains to be seen.  But it should remind anyone that needed reminding that the technology-dependent world we live in has become a little more vulnerable, thanks to the whim of the boy dictator.

(photo:  Getty Images)