Wednesday, January 28, 2015

We Bet Trump Will Be Yooge On Palin's Next Reality Show

Some of the most detached- from- reality Republican "stars" are already in a snit after their performances at Rep. Steve "Cantaloupe Calves" King's Iowa Crackpotfest last week. Let's first hear from snowbilly grifter and half-assed half-term Governor Sarah "Winky" Palin, who appeared on the Sean "Heil" Hannity rage parade:
Sarah Palin complained that “quasi-right” media figures weren’t uniting behind conservative potential presidential candidates like herself after Bill O’Reilly joked about her during a promo. 
The Fox News host suggested Tuesday that Palin, Donald Trump, and Chris Christie were not serious candidates in the 2016 White House race. 
“Wow, talk about a reality show,” a smirking O’Reilly said.
And it's not just O'Reilly who's over her.

Speaking of orange hair wig stand Donald "Rump" Trump, we don't know if he's been made aware of O'Reilly's dis*, but it seems he was none too happy with Rupert "Aargh" Murdoch's New York Post  for not fawning accurately reflecting the greatness that is The Rump.

One of our greatest pleasures over the next 18 months will be to see all these under-inflated minds and over-inflated egos (including many blown up by the Fox "News" media hot air machine) squabble with each other, all for naught.  The entertainment value of having these assorted lightweights, plutocrats, cranks, talibangelists, nativists and racists strutting their stuff in front of the yokels of the Republican base is not to be underestimated, though by nature it's more of an "un"-reality show.

*UPDATE:  Looks like news of O'Reilly's dis finally penetrated Rump's orange hair helmet.