Thursday, January 29, 2015

Look Who's Got His Priebus In A Wringer

Last month, Rethuglican National Committee chairman and successful human-weasel crossbreeding experiment Reince "Prepuce" Priebus thought it might be a good idea to accept a trip to Israel for himself and dozens upon dozens of RNC apparatchiks, sponsored by the far-right American Family Association.  How far-right is the AFA?  Until yesterday, it employed rabid hate monger Bryan Fischer as its "Director of Issues Analysis" and spokesman, who among other gems over the years, has called religions other than Christianity "counterfeit" -- including Judaism -- and claimed they are not covered by the First Amendment.  His notoriously vile comments on minorities and the LGBT community have been part of his AFA-sponsored radio show for years.  The AFA has also sponsored so-called "prayer rallies" for right-wing Rethugs like Rick "Oops" Perry and Piyush "Bobby" Jindal that are nothing more than political events masked as religious events.

Prepuce was trying to keep the sponsorship of this trip under the radar until the story of the AFA and its classification as a "hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center emerged in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.  Now with his flock about to board the plane for Israel on Saturday, Prepuce might want to ponder the wisdom of traveling to a country courtesy of a hate group whose spokesman has called that country's religion "counterfeit."

(photo:  Ow! How could something so small hurt so much?)

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