Thursday, February 26, 2015

Gov. Krispykreme Wants You To Know He's The Victim

The ongoing CPAC hatefest not only includes cardboard figures of Sen. "Ayn" Rand Paul, as we note in the post below, but a large, bilious bag of anger and corruption in the person of New Jersey Republican capo di tutti capi and man who will never be President, Gov. Chris "Krispykreme" Christie.  Still trying to establish his far-right cred, Krispykreme launched into an unhinged, self-pitying tirade against anyone who has questioned his greatness, mainly the newly-skeptical press.  As the linked article notes, there is a strong resemblance between Krispykreme's rhetoric and the late, unlamented President Dick "Tricky Dick" Nixon (who was in fact a crook). Krispykreme's latest foray into illegal activities was his illegal cutting of pension payments, as ruled by a New Jersey judge.  He's also under Federal investigation for political extortion/ pay-to-play that was first hinted at during the Bridgegate scandal.

Krispykreme's flailing, now that his poll numbers have him in Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum territory, and his popularity in New Jersey is hovering just above the freezing mark.  Watching him thrash around at CPAC -- not a friendly venue for him in good times -- is fun to watch.

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