Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Today's Dispatches From The Stupid Party

Public health? Ick!

As we've seen highlighted in the past few days, the Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid Party is struggling with the concept of public health versus Freedumb! Zero sum game there, doncha know.

Two of the party's presumed candidates for President in 2016 have already provided us with their dangerous, deluded thoughts on the matter of vaccination, and now other geniuses are opining on other matters bearing on your right to a healthy life and their right to (wait for it) live in Freedumb! Here's recently elected Sen. Thom "Bacillus" Tillis (Crank-NC) on not forcing food workers to wash their hands after leaving the restroom:
“I said: ‘I don’t have any problem with Starbucks if they choose to opt out of this policy as long as they post a sign that says “We don’t require our employees to wash their hands after leaving the restroom,” Tillis added. “The market will take care of that.”
Steve Benen has the proper question for Bacillus Tillis:
If I understand his argument, the North Carolina senator would let Starbucks opt out of one regulation (hand-washing) in exchange for another (a mandated sign that says “We don’t require our employees to wash their hands after leaving the restroom”)? Is that what constitutes “regulatory reform” for Tillis?
(We pause here for our usual kudos to those Democrats who sat on their asses in North Carolina last November - this lump is your prize.)

Then there's former and future failed candidate and company sinker Carly Fiorina, who chimes in:
I do think parents have to make those choices. I mean, I got measles as a kid. We used to all get measles. I got chicken pox, I got measles, I got mumps… I think parents have to make choices for their family and their children.  (our emphasis)
Choice, yes!  Precious, unalienable choice!  (Except when it comes to women's reproductive health, let's be clear about that.)

If only we could get our border under control to keep them germs from comin' in!  That's what Rep. Mo "Slo-Mo" Brooks (R-Texass) is a-thinkin':
"I don’t think there is any healthcare professional who has examined the fact, who could honestly say that Americans have not died because the diseases brought into America by illegal aliens who are not properly health care screened, as lawful immigrants are."
Uh, how can we put this to Slo-Mo... no:
The congressman mentioned enterovirus, the spread of which conservatives blamed on undocumented immigrants. The Centers for Disease Control said there was no evidence linking immigrant children to the virus.  (our emphasis)
So, maybe the Congressman would propose immunizing those "illegal aliens" before they sneak across the border?  See, that way American kids could have the Freedumb! not to be immunized! Except,
According to the World Health Organization, immunization for measles in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, where a majority of undocumented children have recently emigrated from, is about 93 percent. Children are also vaccinated at processing facilities just across the border.  (our emphasis)
That would be a better vaccination rate than in, say, Orange County, California, United States of Freedumb!  But, we're not scientists, so...

UPDATE:  Now that the tree has been shaken, the nuts are falling out.  What a pitiful excuse for a "Doctor."

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