Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Right-Wing Family Values

Alabama's State Supreme Court Chief "Justice" Roy "Unmoored" Moore has made a name for himself over his strident opposition to same-sex marriage, ordering state officials not to perform those marriages in Alabammy.  He's also known for his fight to retain a Ten Commandments monument in the State Supreme Court building over a decade ago, which cost him his judgeship.

One would think that Unmoored would have raised his children in the same God-fearin', stiff-collar style that he lives his own life.  One would be wrong.  Police in Troy, Alabama, arrested Caleb Moore, the 24 year-old son of Unmoored, on Sunday for drug possession (controlled substance and marijuana) near the scene of an attempted break-in.  This was the third arrest of the young Unmoored since 2011 on drug charges, so he's not unknown to the police.  We might have a small -- very small -- measure of sympathy for the young Unmoored, but for the fact that he lashed out at "crooked police officers" and "the media" for his latest arrest, which he claims is part of a plot to "destroy his family" and daddy's "career."

Why are we not surprised that a young, entitled wingnut would avoid personal responsibility and shift blame?  It's because his daddy has been too busy defending Christianity from the heathens and gays to notice the devilment in his own household.

(photo:  Troy, Alabama Police Department.  A criminal defense lawyer's dream client.)

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