Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A Burrito And The Real Candidate Of Yesterday

Jon Stewart on the continuing media obsession with the trivial as the 2016 campaign begins:

This is going to be an awful year and a half for politics, judging by the insipid media coverage so far. Of course, there was this brief, substantive focus on Sen. Marco "Glug Glug" Rubio (Weak Tea-FL) from CNN's Jake "Tippy" Tapper:
“You are casting yourself as a candidate of a new generation, but there is an issue where you are very out of step with younger voters — even younger Republican voters,” Tapper told Rubio. “According to a Pew poll, 61 percent of Republican voters under the age of 30, I believe, support same-sex marriage. On that issue, same-sex marriage, senator, you’re the candidate of yesterday.”  (our emphasis)
That's exactly the kind of "yesterday" position Glug Glug and his fellow reactionary clowns Republican candidates espouse, along with (to pick a few) climate change denial and "trickle down" economics.  Wouldn't want to share that knowledge on a regular basis though, would we "mainstream media," not when we can hear about burritos!

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