Monday, April 27, 2015

Bruised By Cruz

Who would have thought that several days ago, two wealthy gay hotel moguls in New York City would host a fundraiser for gay-bashing right-winger Sen. Ted "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz, who has never hidden his vehement opposition to same-sex marriage and rights for gays in general?  (A charitable explanation might be that they thought they were inviting Tom Cruise. Snap!)

Now, the pair is desperately backtracking from their implicit support of Tailgunner Ted, after facing cancelled business and a growing boycott of their enterprises.  Claiming ignorance and naivety, one of the duo, Ian Reisner, posted a profuse apology on his Facebook page saying he didn't understand Tailgunner Ted's position on gay rights.  His partner later echoed him by saying it was a terrible mistake.

It's hard to imagine two apparently intelligent and socially active adults being unaware of some basic political positions held by the outspokenly radical right-winger from Texas before inviting him to their fundraiser.  It's believable that they didn't comprehend the ensuing backlash, but please, any Republican candidate they would have invited would have a bad record on gay rights, especially Tailgunner Ted.  Have they lined up Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum for the next soirĂ©e?

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