Friday, April 10, 2015

Mr. Mustache's Latest Buffoonery

Fux "News'" flamboyant narcissist and life support system for a mangy, 1970s-vintage mustache Geraldo "Mr. Mustache" Rivera thinks he's got the answer to last weekend's infamous murder of an unarmed black man by a North Charleston, SC cop.  It couldn't be murder, since the victim, Walter Scott, was acting "very hinky, very edgy" and had "dared to have this physical altercation with the officer."  (Recall that this is the same clownish hack that opined that the teenage Trayvon Martin shouldn't have been wearing a hoodie when he was shot by vigilante putz George Zimmerman).

Call us crazy, but we trust the judgement of the white police chief of North Charleston and the South Carolina state's attorney's office in charging the white cop with murder over Mr. Mustache's opinion that a lesser charge is more appropriate.  Maybe the mustachioed caballero from Fux needs to keep looking for Al Capone's treasure vault and leave the commentary to others.

(click photo to enlarge: If his alcoholic schnoz gets any bigger, he can rent it as a two bedroom apartment)

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