Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Republican War On Women - Bible Banger Edition

Today's installment of the Republican War on Women is brought to us by white male (and "Christian" minister) Republican Rep. "Tiny" Tim Walberg (Talibangelist-MI), courtesy of Dana Milbank:
Michigan Republican Tim Walberg was a Christian minister before winning election to Congress in 2010 — and he hasn’t entirely changed jobs.
In a rare Tuesday-night committee meeting at which House Republicans advanced a bill curtailing reproductive rights, Walberg took the even rarer step of lecturing his colleagues on Scripture.

“It is clearly taught by Jesus the Christ himself,” Walberg preached to members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, “for those of us who believe in him — and I understand and I accept the fact that there are those who don’t — but he said render unto Caesar what’s Caesar’s and God what’s God’s, and I think that’s an important consideration for us on this committee tonight.”
The bill referred to would strike down the District of Columbia's Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Act, which would keep employers (but not religious and political groups) in D.C. from discriminating against workers based on their reproductive decisions (for example, prohibiting a business from firing a woman who has an abortion, uses birth control, or has fertility treatments).  As Milbank reports, Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) responded by reproaching Walberg for claiming to represent the teachings of Jesus:
“I studied for the Roman Catholic ministry,” he responded. “But I certainly don’t think that it is my job to propound the dogma of my church as a member of Congress.”
The bill, which passed the Republican-led committee, has no chance of being enacted.  As Milbank notes:
The main thing Republicans are achieving is inviting Democrats to revive their “war on women” allegations.

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