Thursday, April 23, 2015

Smoke and Mirrors Cartoon of the Day

(click to enlarge)

We've noted in recent posts that the right wing and their friends in the media are focused like a death ray on the candidacy of Hillary Clinton, hoping to damage her sufficiently with the public in order to allow the surviving clown from their 2016 clown car to walk into the White House.  Little of the sludge being disseminated by the wingnut Wurlitzer is challenged by many in the Beltway media, partially from laziness, partially from the horse race mentality that they approach politics with, and partially from their dislike for the Clintons who refuse to kiss up to them.

UPDATE: Leading off this morning, as expected, is the once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle.  Here's Charlie Pierce's take.

UPDATE II:  Also, as expected, the New York Effing Times has its blockbuster bullshit "reportage."

(cartoon:  Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, via

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