Monday, May 11, 2015

Chris Cillizza Thinks Discrimination Is "Religious Freedom"

The once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle's Republican-wired politics- as- horse- race tout, Chris "Lizard" Cillizza, graces us with his periodic ranking of Republican presidential candidates.  Today, he ranks the laughable- to- anyone- but- Cillizza Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, with this revealing description:
9. Bobby Jindal: The Louisiana governor feels like the “me too” candidate in the field. He’s right there — always — advocating for conservatives to stand on principle but never really getting any credit for it. Take the religious-freedom fight in Indiana. Jindal was everywhere supporting the need for just those sorts of laws to protect Christians from discrimination. But he got roughly zero credit or attention for it.
Really.  That's odd. We thought the Indiana fight was about businesses using "religion" to justify discrimination toward LGBT people.  The "laws to protect Christians from discrimination" that Cillizza mentions?  Even Cillizza's own paper warned against "embracing intolerance under the guise of protecting people of faith."

So why is this puerile douchenozzle still employed? 

BONUS:  Laura Clawson has more on this whiny "Beltway media Heather."

(Image:   "Ooooh, get away from my 'religious freedom' with your nasty gay parts!")

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