Monday, May 11, 2015


New Jersey's Republican Governor and angry-object-visible-from-space Chris "Krispykreme" Christie has been embroiled in various pay-to-play scandals, the best known of them being "Bridgegate," where top appointees and aides of Krispykreme have been indicted. He wants everyone to "move on, nothing to see here" but each week seems to bring a new problem for the rotund anger bear.  This week, it's his official food and alcohol expenses during his time in office which total a whopping $300,000, including $82,594 at the MetLife Stadium concession stands. That's a lot of cocktail weenies, nachos and booze for the taxpayers of New Jersey to swallow.  How much of that amount was actually consumed personally by Krispykreme, only he knows for sure, and his pants -- like many of his former aides -- aren't talking.

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