Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Koch Brothers Casting Call: Who Wants To Be A Millionaire (Candidate)?

From Bloomberg News:
In a Saturday interview on the Larry Kudlow Show,  a nationally syndicated radio broadcast, David Koch let it slip that the roughly $900 million that he and his brother, Charles, plan to lavish on the 2016 presidential race could find its way into the hands of more than one GOP contender. 

"We are thinking of supporting several Republicans," David Koch said, adding, "If we're happy with the policies that these individuals are supporting, we'll finance their campaigns." (our emphasis)
[Sarcasm alert] Since, according to Justice Anthony Kennedy in Citizens United, "... [I]ndependent expenditures, including those made by corporations, do not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption," the notion that Republican presidential hopefuls will be tailoring their positions to make certain they match those of the plutocrat Kochs (cut taxes on corporations and the wealthy, cut programs for the poor and middle classes, weaken environmental regulations, etc.) to get as much of that plutocrat dough as they can, there can't be the slightest appearance of a quid pro quo because those candidates won't owe anything to the Koch brothers =cough= $900 million =cough=, no siree!  Plus money is speech and corporations are people, my friends.

Meanwhile, at the New York Effing Times and once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle, the hunt for the smoking gun Clinton e-mails and charitable donations continues apace by their  Republican-wired, Clinton hating intrepid reporters and pundits.

BONUSCharles P. Pierce elaborates.

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