Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Marriage Equality: A Tale Of Two Countries

Jonathan Capehart reflects on the outcome of last Saturday's  referendum in Ireland in favor of marriage equality, and how it contrasts with the struggle for rights in America:
Here’s something you will never hear any of the crop of Republican presidential candidates say on same-sex marriage: “With today’s vote, we have disclosed who we are: a generous, compassionate, bold and joyful people.” Those soothing words came from Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny after 62.1 percent of his nation voted in favor of marriage equality on Saturday.
It was a stunning development in one of Europe’s most conservative countries. A nation where the Catholic Church once held great sway. Emphasis on “once.” The resounding victory of same-sex marriage proponents is as clear a sign of independence from the church as you’ll ever see. [snip]
[America] isn’t Ireland. And this certainly isn’t Britain, where conservative Prime Minister David Cameron was a vocal champion of marriage equality and won reelection with overwhelming support. This is America, where once again, the courts will push the nation to live up to its ideal of equal protection under the law. The Supreme Court did it for African Americans in the 20th century and so it must for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Americans in the 21st.
As is always the case, whether it's marriage equality, global climate change, voting rights, etc., the Republican / New Confederate/ Stupid Party, with its head firmly up its ass, is on the wrong side of history -- and it will be judged as such. 

Erin go Bragh!

BONUSHere's someone we'd recommend Pope Francis sack at the earliest possible time;  we'd like to believe he was only speaking for his warped self.

(Photo:  Irish voters celebrate victory on marriage equality referendum.) 

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