Monday, June 1, 2015

"J.E.B." Bush Glides Over 9/11 - Brother "Kept Us Safe"

John Ellis "J.E.B." Bush (a.k.a., the Smart Bush) was asked on Sunday's Face the Nation what successes and mistakes he learned from older brother Dumbya:
Well, the successes clearly are protecting the homeland. We were under attack, and he brought -- he unified the country and he showed dogged determination. And he kept us safe(our emphasis)
Exactly.  Except for -- what was it again? -- oh yeah, 9/11.  Just the largest, most deadly terrorist attack ever on American soil.  Then brother Dumbya sent American men and women to die and be maimed in an unnecessary war against a country that didn't have anything to do with the attack on us, an action for which we're still paying as are the people of the region.  

We'd call him a dumb-ass, but that would be insulting to dumb-asses everywhere.

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