Monday, June 1, 2015

A New Motto For The Party of Personal Responsibility

It took a scandal to bring forth a suggested motto for the Republican / New Confederate / Stupid Party.  The motto captures the put-upon grievances of their older, white male demographic, and the sense that "their" country is slipping away to "others." Best of all, it was a former high ranking Republican politician that unwittingly suggested the motto for his party.  And here it is:
"I am a victim, too."
That was former Republican Speaker of the House Dennis "Diddling Denny" Hastert, speaking to a group of diddling dwindling friends.  Why, of course you are, "DD." If only those randy boys hadn't thrown their bodies at your reluctant hands and other body parts.

We're sure it won't be long before the motto is amended by the teahadists in control of the Rethug Party, to wit:  "I am a victim too, and it's all Obama's fault." There, that's more like it.

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