It's official! Be prepared to contain your excitement! Walnuts McCain BFF Sen. Lindsey "Huckleberry Butchmeup"* Graham (R-Fainting Couch) is officially in the hunt to be the Republican who gets their ass handed to them by Hillary Clinton. That's right. Lindsey Graham, the man who knows his foreign policy:
Lindsey Graham is, in fact, far more often wrong than he is right. Occasionally, he is more than just wrong: Sometimes, he’s completely out of his mind. In a town filled with threat-mongers, fear-merchants, and hand-wringers, there is no one mongering more threats, selling more fear and wringing more hands than Sen. Graham. It’s going to be awfully hard for candidate Graham to lift people up when he’s constantly telling them the sky is falling. (our emphasis)And it's not just Dems saying it; here's Daniel Larison in The American Conservative:
On foreign policy, Graham is one of the two worst senators still serving. Let’s remember that Graham isn’t merely very hawkish, but habitually resorts to panicked, overwrought descriptions of every threat and conjures up fantastical worst-case scenarios that are completely unmoored from reality.[snip]
Graham’s alarmism and threat inflation may briefly frighten some people into listening to his bad policy ideas, but it wouldn’t take long for many voters to see through this act and to realize that Graham overstates every danger and likewise overreacts to everything that happens. Regardless of one’s views on policy, that isn’t what anyone wants in a president. (our emphasis)No, it isn't what anyone wants in a president (except for Lindsey and Walnuts McCain), and fortunately we won't be getting it. Graham's manifest unsuitability for the presidency is one thing progressives and conservatives can agree on.
* h/t Charles P. Pierce.
BONUS: As our Silver spring Bureau Chief Brian notes in the comments, The Onion has it's usual, pithy candidate profile for Huckleberry Butchmeup.
(Photo: Ouch! Losing to the likes of Carly Fiorina and Bobby Jindal is going to leave a mark.)