Here are two prime examples of why we can't have nice things in this country (with editorial asides). First, regarding Donald "Rump" Trump supporters:
Bloomberg Politics' John Heilemann sat down Wednesday night with a focus group of 12 Trump supporters in the Granite State who riffed on why they thought the billionaire was the best candidate in a crowded GOP presidential field.
“He's like one of us," Janet, a former dog breeder, explained. "He may be a millionaire (sic), which separates him from everybody else. But besides the money issue, he's still in tune with what everybody is wanting.” [Ed.: Yes, aside from his TEN BILLION DOLLARS, he's a man of the people!]
Many also cited Trump's vast wealth in identifying with him.
"I knew that he was a wealthy, successful man and I remember asking my mother if I could write him a letter to ask him how he made his money so that I could do it too," Jessica, a data analyst, said. [Ed.: He inherited it from his daddy. And he filed for bankruptcy 4 times. A regular Horatio Alger success story.]
Heilemann further asked the focus group what they believed a Trump presidency would look like.
“Classy,” Cheryl, a real estate agent, answered confidently. [Ed.: (head hitting desk top)]Then there were these folks at an African American church in Manning, South Carolina, following a "sermon" by Preacher Mike "Huckster" Huckabee:
There were signs in Manning that Huckabee, at a minimum, will find a friendly audience. After the former governor led a prayer for Tricia Bouttry, a black congregant who is battling breast cancer, she said, “I didn’t know anything about him, but his speech was so uplifting and his prayer was so heartfelt, I cried. [Ed.: Maybe you should find out more about him.]
“I’m a Democrat, but he would have my vote,” said Bouttry, 51, a mental health worker. “I want somebody who’s spiritual in the White House — a pastor that knows the word as president.” [Ed.: "The Christian Republic of America, Mike Huckabee, Pastor- in- Chief"] [snip]
Huckabee preached in Manning at the invitation of Pastor Leon Winn, an active Republican who last year ran unsuccessfully against Rep. James E. Clyburn (D). [snip]
When the service concluded, Nathaniel Pugh, 55, a black man who works as a heavy-equipment operator, greeted Huckabee and posed for a picture with him.
“I’m a Democrat, but I might cross the line to vote for him,” Pugh said afterward. “We can talk till we’re blue in the face, but until our hearts get right, there still will be racism. For Governor Huckabee to come into our little town and talk about this, that’s huge. He got my attention.” [Ed.: You're a discerning man, Mr. Pugh, to have identified Huckster as someone who's heart is in the right place. Mmmhmm.]As long as low-information, distracted, and (o.k. we'll go there) downright stupid voters like this can be swayed by demagogues like Rump, Huckster, and the rest of the Republican field, we will suffer as a nation. Sic transit gloria, America.
UPDATE: Huckster goes full Juan Peron.
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