Thursday, July 9, 2015

Congressional Rethugs Embrace The Confederate Flag

Now that the treason flag will be coming down in South Carolina, Republicans are finally facing reality, right?  Ummm.

During a vote on Department of Interior funding, Rethuglicans in the House of Representatives introduced a last-minute amendment to preserve the presence of the Confederate flag of treason at national park monuments and cemeteries.  As a result of outrage expressed over the amendment by Congressional Dems, Weeper of the House John "Mr. Tangerine Man" Boehner ordered debate on the underlying funding bill to be held "in abeyance."  The amendment was offered by Rethug Ken Calvert (Rebel Smell - CA), who claimed that it was done to placate some members << cough racists >> in the Rethug caucus.

Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) rose to attack the insertion of the amendment, reminding the Rethug Congressmen of the flag's symbolism:
"The Confederacy had three flags. This [Confederate battle flag] was never one of them. This is a flag, the Confederate battle flag of the army of Northern Virginia, Robert E. Lee's army. And when Robert E. Lee surrendered he asked all of his followers to furl this flag. Stow it away, he said. Put it in your attics. He refused to be buried in his Confederate uniform. His family refused to allow anyone dressed in the confederate uniform to attend his funeral. Why? Because Robert E. Lee said he considered this emblem to be a symbol of treason…"(emphasis added)
Not to mention slavery and racism.

(photo:   A member of the Republican base waves his banner.)

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