Monday, July 13, 2015

Etch-A-Sketch, Koch Head-Style

Earlier today, we welcomed Wisconsin Gov. and Koch Industries' Employee of the Year Scott "Koch Head" Walker to the ever growing Republican presidential clown car.  He'd like the Rethug base (especially those in Iowa) to believe that he has bedrock conservative principles that are impervious to reality. We also learned today, through one of Koch Head's "advisors", that those bedrock principles might be subject to, um, "tweaking" as he works his way to the general election, when people who don't believe that Jesus rode dinosaurs come out and vote.  In the words of the anonymous advisor (who's now praying he or she stays anonymous):
"You start in Iowa and lock up conservatives, because if you don't do that, none of the rest matters.  It's much easier to move from being a conservative to being a middle-of-the-road moderate later on."  (emphasis added)
If that sounds vaguely familiar, remember the "Etch-A-Sketch" comment of one of Willard "Corporations Are People" Romney's advisors (who didn't speak anonymously, and who virtually disappeared from view thereafter).  It was the perfect symbol for Willard's cynical, inauthentic hard core "conservative" beliefs, which made rabid right-wingers suspicious of him.  Now, it's Koch Head's turn to talk his way out of this.

(photo: "Who talked? Was it you…or you…how about you?")

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