…sometimes finds a nut:
"Is there a double standard here? Are Republicans -- they say, 'There's no place in our party to disparage those who have served honorably.' Well, unless you're a Democrat?" (emphasis added)That's CNN's Jake "Tippy" Tapper posing the question to Rethuglican Rep. Will Hurd (Secession-TX), after a discussion of the remarks made about Sen. John "McAngry" McCain's military service by draft-dodging Donald "Rump" Trump, and alluding to the smear of John Kerry by Rethuglicans in 2004.
Recall that the entire Republican / New Confederate / Stupid Party had a field day mocking Secretary of State John Kerry's three Purple Hearts-winning honorable service in Vietnam during the 2004 Presidential campaign. The scurrilous Swiftboat Veterans for Truth acted as an arm of the Rethugs in slandering Kerry's record, and the Rethugs delighted in the smear. Remember the Purple Heart bandaids worn at the 2004 Rethuglican National Convention, and the braying wingnuts that wore them? And the current co-front runner who thanked the Swiftboaters for attacking Kerry? And the guy wearing those "smart" glasses?
So good for you, Tippy. Eleven years have passed, but it's never too late to call out the hypocrisy of the right wing.
BONUS: John Kerry weighs in on Rump's remarks.
BONUS II: Wonkette has an amusing piece on Rump and the party of situational heroism.
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