Thursday, July 16, 2015

Let's Hear What Other Leaders Are Saying About The Iran Nuclear Agreement

In the wake of the orchestrated freak-out by dead-ender Republicans and Likudniks on the Iran nuclear agreement, we thought we'd share the comments of others in the world:

UK Prime Minister David Cameron (Conservative):
"After persistent diplomacy and tough sanctions, the international community has delivered a historic deal with Iran. A deal which secures our fundamental aim – to keep Iran from developing a nuclear weapon - and that will help to make our world a safer place.  
"I want to pay tribute to all of those who have worked tirelessly over the last few months to deliver this deal. It has required leadership, courage and determination on both sides.

"Now we must ensure that this deal is fully implemented. There is a real opportunity for Iran to benefit from this agreement in terms of its economy but this will only happen if Iran delivers on all the agreed actions required to fully address international concerns about its programme. Of course, this agreement will not solve all the difficulties, especially between Iran and its neighbours. We will continue to work with our partners in the region to ensure stability and security and I hope that Iran will also follow this path."
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU-conservative):
German Chancellor Angela Merkel hailed the nuclear deal signed between Iran and six world powers as "an important success" and said she hoped the agreement could be implemented quickly.
Merkel said the result achieved at the negotiations in Vienna meant the goal of no Iranian military nuclear weapons programme was now a lot closer.
"This would be a vital contribution for the security situation in the whole region," Merkel said in a statement on Tuesday. "I appeal on all sides to contribute to a speedy implementation."
French President Francois Hollande (Socialist):
The French President had a conversation this afternoon with Barack Obama about the agreement reached on the Iranian nuclear programme.
The [French] Head of State paid tribute to the efforts of the negotiators, who for many months sought a serious and verifiable agreement. He emphasized that the time for discussion is now over and the time has come for action.
The process under way includes clear limitations on the Iranian nuclear programme, a robust monitoring system and the opportunity to reintroduce sanctions in the event of the commitments being violated.
It is up to Iran to implement all the measures provided for, according to the timeable established. France, with its partners, will ensure rigorously and in good faith that the agreement is complied with.
The result obtained lessens the risk to regional and international security that nuclear proliferation represents.
It is paramount that Iran should now become a responsible player in its neighbourhood's stability.
The Vatican:
"The agreement on the Iranian nuclear programme is viewed in a positive light by the Holy See. It constitutes an important outcome of the negotiations carried out so far, although continued efforts and commitment on the part of all involved will be necessary in order for it to bear fruit." 
Meanwhile, in America puerile Republicans and their Israeli doppelgangers generate fear and misinformation. 

BONUS:  For those claiming that the U.S. and its partners in the negotiations could have struck a tougher deal with Iran on sanctions, experts say "no way".

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