Sunday, August 23, 2015

Delete Tweet of the Day

Beltway media resentment at Bill Clinton and now Hillary Clinton will be a fact of life through the election, and likely beyond.  They snubbed the major media's Georgetown cocktail circuit in the '90s, ably represented by Sally Quinn, Cokie Roberts and Maureen Dowd, and that clique has a very long memory.

BONUS:  Case in point - pearl clutcher emeritus Ruth Marcus.

BONUS II:  Here's Joe Conason (please read his entire post):
Obscured by sensational and often stupid media coverage, the fundamental facts are simple. There is no evidence that Hillary Clinton violated any law in her use of a private email server, however badly advised. There is no evidence that she knowingly sent any previously classified information to anyone at any time. There is no evidence that any national security breach occurred in her email system. And there is no statute under which she can be held liable for sending information that was retroactively classified, many months after she sent it, when the State Department was reviewing her emails for public release.
The true scandal is the Republican attempt to invent a scandal that will derail the Democratic presidential candidate they fear most, by misusing the oversight powers of Congress—and the eagerness of major media outlets, including the nation’s most important newspaper, to collude in that scheme.

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