Here's one of the
These Republicans, on one hand, despair that an egocentric bully with no discernible political principles should be leading in polls. They observe that his incoherent mix of authoritarianism, protectionism and cronyism is antithetical to the modern conservative movement, and in tone is 180 degrees from Ronald Reagan.Hahaha. Once again for her benefit, St. Ronnie of Hollywood and Donald "Rump" Trump speak the same language, only St. Ronnie spoke in dog whistles and symbolic staging ("tone") and Rump speaks with ear- splitting clarity. And, horrors! ... how could anyone ever think that authoritarianism (=cough= the entire Cheney/Bush administration =cough=), protectionism (=cough= Rubin idol Millionaire Mitt Romney =cough=) and cronyism (=cough= Google Republican cronyism =cough=) were part of the "modern conservative movement"/ Republican bloodstream! It apparently hasn't entered the vacant space between Rubin's ears.
Rubin, in the recent past, has bemoaned the "crackpots" and other chickens that have come home to roost in her beloved Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid Party. Judging from her latest sad, she doesn't see the poultry about to land on her, too.
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