Saturday, September 12, 2015

Sexytime Teabaggers Forced From Michigan Legislature

Michigan teabaggers Rep. Todd "Off Course" Courser and Rep. Cindy "The Gambit" Gamrat lost their seats in the Michigan legislature yesterday after a special committee investigating their extramarital affair and subsequent misdeeds recommended expulsion.  Courser took the expedient way out by resigning when it became clear that there was going to be a vote to expel him;  Gamrat cluelessly refused to resign and was expelled by the legislature, only the fourth member to be expelled in Michigan's history.

Courser and Gamrat engaged in a coverup of their affair, coercing taxpayer-paid staff to be part of their coverup, and concocting a bizarre gay scandal subterfuge to throw people off of the actual affair.  Both were champions of anti-LGBT legislation, and in particular were opposed to same-sex marriage in Michigan.  No doubt these expulsions will be seen by their fellow teahadists as an attack on their "movement."  Forgiveness of hypocrisy is endless when your radical politics override everything your religion teaches you.

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