Thursday, October 8, 2015

House Republicans Launch Latest Political Witchhunt

This time, it's not Benghazi!!!, but Planned Parenthood that will be in for the taxpayer- funded hatchet job:
The House voted Wednesday to create a special committee to investigate Planned Parenthood and the handling of aborted fetal tissue, all but ensuring an already-fierce partisan battle will continue into 2016.  [snip]

The four-page bill does not mention Planned Parenthood by name. Instead, it charges the committee to investigate “fetal tissue procurement,” “federal funding and support for abortion providers” and “born-alive” abortions, generally.

But Republicans were clear that the committee’s work is intended to deepen three existing House committee probes into Planned Parenthood, which began in early August. The committees have held three hearings as part of their investigations, which has prompted Planned Parenthood to turn over at least 20,000 documents, according to Democrats.
Of course, this is all about emptying the pockets of the dim-witted while simultaneously riling them up to go out and re-elect this collection of extremist nihilists.  They have no interest whatsoever in ... what's that word? ... governing.  They have no programs or policies except to cut, obstruct, roll back and, of course, lie about it all.  How these skunks got such a foothold in American politics would be a mystery if not for the 800- pound gorilla in the room:  the 40- years- in- the- making right-wing media and "think" tank bullshit apparatus, funded by plutocrats and abetted by a cowardly "mainstream media," that has a sizable portion of the electorate engaged in doublethink and voting against its best interests.

Fortunately, they're fighting an uphill battle when it comes to Planned Parenthood:
One thing Congressional Republicans haven't helped themselves with recently is their war on Planned Parenthood. By a 12 point margin, 49/37, voters say they have a higher opinion of Planned Parenthood than the Republicans in Congress. That includes a 45/35 edge with independents.  (our emphasis)
However, connecting the dots to the true malevolence in American politics is still a bridge too far for many:
Congress on the whole has its requisite atrocious approval rating at 11/82. Despite the Republican control though that doesn't have the electorate positioned to vote for massive change- the generic Congressional ballot splits evenly with each party getting 43%... (our emphasis)
Sic transit gloria, America.

BONUSAnd it's only going to get worse.

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