In a surprise announcement, the presumed successor to House Weeper John "Mr. Tangerine Man" Boehner said that he was withdrawing his name from consideration. California Congressman and Benghazi! BENGHAZI!! bean-spiller Kevin "I'm Not A Pod Person" McCarthy was the odds-on favorite to be promoted from House Majority Leader to Speaker, even after his multiple verbal and political gaffes drew attention to his unpreparedness. While the Speaker election has been postponed, his move opens the door to others on the far right fringe of the caucus, including wingnuts Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz and Florida Rep. Daniel Webster (with the same 19th century sensibilities as the famous one).
In that he would have provided us with endless pratfalls and gaffes were he to have been elected Speaker, we regret his decision. In that this development will surface an even more reactionary, out of the bughouse Rethug to be the face of House Rethuglicans, we're delighted.
UPDATE: The rumors of an affair are flying (caveat emptor: sources are teabaggers).
UPDATE II: Best tweet of many good ones:
House Speaker elections postponed
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) October 8, 2015
Yeah, it's looking more and more like "Lord of the Flies," alright.