Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Smart People Cartoon of the Day

(click to enlarge)

As we noted earlier today, the contrast of the Democratic candidate debate with the two Rethuglican debates was stark: the former, fact-based and policy focused not spouting unhinged rhetoric, spirited but not with juvenile personal attacks, the latter, just the opposite. The broken media in this country was rooting for "fireworks" and "attacks," not only to pump up ratings but to take Hillary Clinton down.  To their credit, the Dem candidates didn't play along.

(cartoon:  Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Time Free Press, via


  1. Exactly. The media so want the Democratic Party to be just like the Republican cavalcade of clowns so they can chant the both sides mantra. They also want to recreate 2000 by having the candidates run away from an incredibly successful Democratic President.

  2. Good points, Gene. If and when the Rethuglican Party collapses due to the right-wing rot that's been eating away at it for 40+ years, the media still won't accept any responsibility for propping them up through "both siderism" and false equivalences.
